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Notice of Cambria Capital, LLC Privacy Policy

OUR COMMITMENT TO YOUR PRIVACY: CAMBRIA CAPITAL, LLC (CAMBRIA) has a long-standing policy of protecting the confidentiality and security of information we collect about our customers. We will not share non public information about you (“Information”) with third parties without your consent, except for the specific purposes described below. This notice describes the Information we may gather and the circumstances under which we may share it. 

WHY WE COLLECT AND HOW WE USE INFORMATION: We limit the collection and use of Information to the minimum we require to deliver superior service to you. Such service includes maintaining your accounts with us, processing transactions requested by you and administering our business.

HOW WE GATHER INFORMATION: We get most Information directly from you when you apply for, access and use financial products and services offered by CAMBRIA – whether in person, by telephone or electronically. We may verify this information or get additional information from consumer reporting agencies or public sources. This Information may relate to your finances, employment, avocations or other personal characteristics, as well as interactions with or through personnel of CAMBRIA or others.

HOW WE PROTECT INFORMATION: We may disclose any Information as directed by you or when we believe it necessary for the conduct of our business, or where law requires disclosure. For example, information may be disclosed for audit or research purposes, to attorneys or other professionals, or to law enforcement and regulatory agencies, to help us prevent fraud. 


In addition, we may disclose Information to third party service providers (i) to enable them to provide business services for us, such as performing computer related or data maintenance or processing services for us (ii) to facilitate the processing of transactions requested by you, (iii), to assist us in offering products and services to you, (iv) for credit review and reporting purposes. Except in those specific, limited situations, without your consent, we do not make disclosures of Information to other companies who may want to sell their products or services to you. For example, we do not sell customer lists and we will not sell your name to a catalogue company. It is Cambria’s policy to require all third parties other than your broker, which are to receive any Information to sign strict confidentiality agreements.

TO WHOM THIS POLICY APPLIES: This Privacy Policy applies to financial products or services provided by CAMBRIA used primarily for personal, family or household purposes (not business purposes) by our customers.

Access to and Correction of Information: If you desire to review any file we may maintain for your personal Information, please contact your broker. If your broker or you notify us that any Information is incorrect, we will review it. If we agree, we will correct our records. If we do not agree, you may submit a short statement of dispute, which we will include in future disclosures of the disputed Information. Information collected in connection with, or in anticipation of, any claim or legal proceeding will not be made available.


SHARING INFORMATION WITH OPTIONIQ, LLC and IQ CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC: Cambria, OptioniQ, LLC and IQ Capital Management, LLC (the “Subject Parties”) have certain registered representatives in common and sometimes pool resources for account opening, administration and regulatory compliance purposes. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this policy, the Subject Parties may share any information that they collect from you for purposes of account opening, account administration and for regulatory compliance purposes.


Further Information: We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy. The examples contained within this Privacy Policy are illustrations and they are not intended to be exclusive. This notice complies with a recently enacted Federal law and new SEC regulations regarding privacy. You may have additional rights under other foreign or domestic laws that may apply to you.

Cambria Capital, LLC.


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Regulation A+ offerings have two phases – a pre-qualification phase and a post-qualification phase. Qualification is the term used by the SEC to indicate that the offering has been reviewed by the SEC and securities may be sold. During the pre-qualification phase, you may reserve securities to be purchased at a later date. All reservations are non-binding. A company will only be able to make sales of securities to you after it has filed an offering statement with the SEC and the SEC has qualified the offering statement. The Information in that offering statement will be more complete than the information that the company is providing to you prior to qualification and it could differ in important ways. You must read the offering statement and documents filed with the SEC before investing in any of the companies listed on our website. Unless the offering statement has been qualified, no money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent, will not be accepted. No sales will be made or commitments to purchase accepted until the offering statement is qualified. 

By accessing this site and any pages thereof, you agree to be bound by its Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, as may be amended from time to time without notice or liability. 

Although the information provided to you on this site is obtained or compiled from sources we believe to be reliable, the content of this website is provided “as is" without warranty of any kind (either express or implied). 

Financial products listed on this website are only available to residents in the states where Cambria is registered. 

Neither the SEC nor any state regulator or other regulatory body has passed upon the merits of or given its approval to the securities, the terms of the offerings, or the accuracy or completeness of any offering materials or information posted on the site. 

Investments in Regulation A+ offerings are speculative and may involve a high degree of risk. Investors may receive illiquid stock that may have little to no secondary market. There can be no assurance the valuation is accurate or in line with the market or industry valuations. 

Securities sold through private placements are not publicly traded and are intended for investors who do not have a need for a liquid investment. Additionally, investors in private placements will receive restricted stock that will be subject to holding period requirements. 


Companies offering securities in Regulation A offerings and private placements tend to be in the earlier stages of development and have not yet been fully tested in the public marketplace. Investing in Regulation A+ offerings and private placements requires high risk tolerance, low liquidity concerns, and long-term commitments. Investors must be able to afford to lose their entire investment.

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